Val di Chiana Aglione

Cortona  |  Tuscany  |  Italy
Aglione della Val di Chiana | Poggio Sorbello

The Aglione (big garlic), which seems to have been cultivated since ancient times in the area of Valdichiana, has been rediscovered and valued by many farms, including ours, in the last decade.

The main feature of this particular "garlic", in addition to its majestic dimensions, is the fact that it does not contain “aglina”, therefore once eaten it does not give unpleasant effects to the breath: for this reason it is also called "kiss garlic" or "garlic of lovers".

Once harvested, usually during the second ten days of June, it can be stored for several months; not only the bulb, but also the flower and its stem are excellent to eat and are harvested during the month of May.

Recommended recipe

Aglione sauce from Val di Chiana

Ingredients: 4/5 cloves of Val di Chiana Aglione, 350 gr tomato pulp, oil, salt, 1/2 glass of white wine (or water).

Put some extra virgin olive oil (about 5 tablespoons) in a pan, cut the garlic into coarse slices and add to the oil together with half glass of white wine or water. Let it cook until the garlic is so soft that can be crushed with a fork. At this point add the tomato sauce and keep cooking until cooking juice is well reduced.