Marano Corn flour

Cortona  |  Tuscany  |  Italy
Fossa Granaia | Cabernet Sauvignon CORTONA DOC | Poggio Sorbello

Stone mill grinded.

Pack: 500g

Recommended recipe

Traditional recipe for "polenta"

Traditional recipe for 4 people: 250 gf corn flour, 1 liter of water, salt. Place some water in a pot, add salt and bring to a boil. Add the corn flour gradually, stirring well to prevent the formation of lumps. Continue to stir with a wooden spoon mixing well the deepest layer with the upper layer and adding small amounts of hot water in the event that the mixture becomes too hard and compact. Continue for about 50 minutes until the polenta begins to come away from the sides of the pot. When cooked, pour the polenta over a chopping board or into a plate. The polenta can be served with meat sauce, vegetable sauces or game. The corn flour can also be used for the preparation of starters, main dishes and desserts.

cereals, legumes, flours and seeds